Important Update on Good Sam Clinic & COVID-19

Dear Friends,

I wanted to update you on the Good Samaritan Health Clinic of Pasco as we continue to provide healthcare for our patients in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are up and operating our normal hours and seeing the same volume of patients for mostly the same chronic health conditions as we did prior to the pandemic. We are taking all precautions according to the CDC guidelines to keep our volunteers, patients and staff safe.

I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to all our healthcare volunteers, administrative volunteers and staff who continue coming to Good Sam every day! Many of our volunteers are retirement age and at higher health risk, yet they are still coming here for our patients. The Good Sam staff has had to work extra hours and do whatever is needed of them to meet the needs of our patients, picking up for volunteers and students that we have lost. We are so grateful to each and every one.

Like all of you, we do have major concerns about what the next few months will bring. With many people in our community now out of work and facing loss of income and health insurance, the demands on the Clinic may increase tremendously. We are trying to prepare for this as best we can.

We also have additional concerns because of the postponement of one of our largest fundraisers, the Nurses Gala, and not knowing when we can schedule our Golf Tournament. It is too early to know if and when we can schedule both of these annual events.

As of now, our Clinic has every plan to stay open and serve Pasco County’s medically uninsured, limited-income residents as we have since 1990 and provide them with free health and dental care and prescriptions.

Please remember to keep Good Sam in your budget and in your heart as we go through this community challenge. If you would like to help, you can donate here.

Thank you again for your support of Good Sam and our patients. We hope you and your family stay well and safe.